Tuesday, April 23, 2013

To Stay Fallen Apart Together

those were the lanes and alleys known to me intricate by every nook and corner.
but, those were also the same paths i haven't had taken in the past one decade
not even in the unwishful dreams, unknowing thoughts and unpriced memories.

those passages always used to bring a picture -- with colours so vibrant,
aura so blissful and smells of happiness unscathed
never it appeared to me why those boulevards were forever tranquil and yet jovial
with a never-ending spirit of care...
was it because at the end of the route stood the little hut that stored all the warmth
that just the two of us shared --
where pamper was our pride, where one's mere presence was the other's gold
i knew every inch of your body & i knew every bit of your soul...

now, these are the lanes and alleys seemingly familiar but not so obvious
and i sometimes confuse between the corners to take.
and these are also the same pathways that i've taken everyday for the past decade
in mie wishful desires, nurtured realizations and overtly possessive conscience.

these passages always bring along a picture -- starkly tepid and darkly grey
smells foul and toxic almost often and wrapped with anxiety justified
never it greets me why those avenues are forever noisy and ostentatious
with an endless exhibit of disregard...
perhaps it's because at the end of the route stands a castle burning, smeared with flying ashes
that wasted the purity of the bonding we shared --
where we annihilated our attachments, where care was jinxed and hatred was bold
had i ever known a slightest inch of your body or, had i ever known a slightest bit of your soul?

the roads jittered and slowly led to the zenith
ornated with flowers of lead and leaves of gold
the distance between us grew and grew apart
as fondness turned cold and the longing pricelessly sold

and, we forgot every reason of our existence
thus, we forgot every allegiance to our soul


  1. a bright light loomed and you look back
    find the bits and pieces joining again,
    parts of you, you left in others,
    the parts of your soul you left with your friends,
    joining and increasing; resurrecting you again.

  2. That was a nice read. a true feeling from the core of the heart.
    something that reminds every individual separate memories, memories that had stayed safely and unharmed, and will continue to do so. Though the article was quite an exhibit of words,yet it is indeed an admirable one.

  3. Ashen remains, annihilated pride
    All that remains - lines etched in ghostly smiles...
