Monday, April 29, 2013

A Rainy Few Minutes

she was coming down from another city, slightly distant. back to base that was also not the home-town but had become more so with the warmth of pals and the cuddles of youth during the post-graduation days. it was just after the months of summer and she was finally coming back completing her extended internship. 

he was done with the apprenticeship couple of weeks ahead and was back already. but, like never before, the two weeks seemed like two months and was not willing to end. 

they were friends. not the best ones, but endearingly closed ones. they used to talk over phone for hours at times. at times, they used to sit at the open empty amphitheatre humming the tunes they both grew up with. and at some non-existent times, they used to share notes. he was the bookworm and she, literally the butterfly.

his two-week-long wait was finally coming to a close. but conspiracies galore, for the last twist in the tale, her bus was late for about four hours. and his plan to surprise her, waiting at the terminus, went for a toss. ohh c'mon! "what am i thinking? she isn't mie girl or something," he tried telling himself after the text tingled on his cell phone noting the delay.

erasing the suprise-plan and evading the wasted few kilometres he rode back to his room. the next few hours were weirdly the longest. itched a bit with the sweet lil' scheme being flushed in the morning, he was trying to figure out what could be some other welcoming happy note for her.

bingo! he ordered for her favourite sweet meat and flattered the confectioner enough that he promised to deliver on time.

she called twice. he missed them as the bathroom shower kept him away. minutes have passed and when he called back, she was stuck on the highway as the bus-driver stole a respite. "i hope i'll reach in about an hour, go home, freshen up and come to see you. so, keep waiting," she said before hanging up with that typical giggle of hers that always unassumingly teased him.

that means, one hour to reach plus one to greet the roomies plus another to sizzle herself up plus another probable hour to leave home and walk down the hill. he was definitely not going see her till the late evening or may be even night, he thought to himself as he kept wondering what else to do in the meanwhile. "how i wish she knew i was waiting for her at the bus-stop in the morning," the one inside him exclaimed.

sunset behind the hillocks was always neat in colours and flapping wings of the home-coming songsters complemented them surreal. that particular dusk was however, not that vibrant as the long-due monsoon clouds had started seeping in. the darkness of the evening was slightly early that night. 

his phone rang. the hour-clock said she must have just reached the terminus or may be in the autorickshaw on her way home. "where are you? i've been standing at your door for more than 5 minutes now. what's wrong with the door bell?"

contrary to all his calculations of time and plans, she had already reached and that too his place a lil' too early to be true as he was busy reminiscing the older moments kissed by the evening breeze on his terrace. he ran down the stairs. Trying to restore all the idiocies. 

she shouted trying to put up a fake angry face. he knew that was not true. by then, he had already learnt almost all the grammar that made her. that was her, just being herself bossing over the closed ones.

the childish grin on his face and a "sorry" on his lips was enough to get a hug from her. the eyes whispered how they've missed each other and they both tried pretending they were oblivious of the fact or the feeling.

"i didn't go home. i thought i'll come to your place first, chew your head a little and then... wont you drop me up till mie cave on your wheels?" he nodded and carefully hid a smile.

with all the pretends that it was lying in the fridge and assuming she would be hungry, he got her the pastries. the ones that were specially ordered and was crafted with added finesse after the old man at the shop had winked guessing something special. huh! what was he thinking. "it's just that i need them delivered on time." - he had thought presumably.

time in the frame of minutes turned into hours called moments as she kept sharing her share of the stories - what all happened during the toddling days in work, first stipend spends, crush on a fellow intern and how a hunk he was, and how she wished the days didn't end to get back to studies. he was never an avid listener. but, she was just a tad tolerable. 

it was time to take her home. as happy was he, having gifted a good evening that was almost turning to its nightly hours as time flew and she was in a hurry for the last couple of hours to go home. just that the talks seemed never ending.

there was a pinch of dampness in the air, a strong breeze around and a proper silver crescent lurking in the sky. perhaps, it was raining somewhere, the sweetness in the air deciphered. he kicked start the bike. and the clouds rumbled in sync. it was an amazing weather, they both agreed. a very rare occasion indeed when these two agreed on a same thing.

"you're already late. let's take the way roundabout. just a few minutes more. please..." he said.  just for the sake of the roads and the welcoming winds, she allowed. a few metres and the second turn round a corner, a jolt of the bumper as she held him tight from behind and it came pouring.

it was an empty road as far as could be seen. two lazily gleaming street lights drenching in the rain and the ecstatic foliage by the both sides of the road amid the darkness of the trees. he cursed himself. it was all his fault. it was an awkward moment with the joy of soaking in the season's first rain that was to relish and the worry of her backpack getting wet, that she had forgotten.

he wanted to take cover. some sheltering shade nearby. she insisted. happiness had its choice. it was just the two of them and a heavy shower for company. a streak of her drenched hairs was kissing her cheeks. he had stopped the bike on the middle of that slanting road, looked at her in her eyes such that he could see right through her heart.

the first time he saw her blush. the first time he felt she would let her be the boss amongst the two. the first time nothing else mattered. the first time the sweet chivalry in him wanted to let go of the consequences.

cold was the air, colder the raindrops. and amidst all that, warm was her presence, warmer the embrace. the breath was heavy and the spirits high. the cuddle grew tighter and the bonding felt shy...

their lips parted themselves and rested in each others. a moment of sweet submission. a moment of their lives. a moment when time stood still.  and a moment only the rain had witnessed and the monsoon clouds had seen. 

Picture Courtesy - Nickolay Khoroshkov via
Google Images

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