Thursday, April 4, 2013

One for the Night

just as the way you cannot say that you've felt the ocean yet if you have not waded down the shore with the rippling waves kissing your feet, making a love-like gesture and then breaking up and leaving you for the sea, again and again

just as the way you cannot be a lover of the roads or the open skies as long as you haven't set sails or packed your bags and geared the wheels with the dust and smoke burning your eyes, the raindrops pinching on your face or, sometime have had only the stars for company

just as the way you cannot decipher it's spring only by looking at the calendar dates until and unless you've felt the nip of blossom in the air or heard the inimitable tunes of the little winged ones accompanying the sunrise or the moments when it sets

in the same same same way you cannot infer how much i love you if you do not have a clue how often i dream about you, how often i wake up in the middle of the night and crave to call you up just to hear your voice and then flip thru' your pictures on mie cell phone, smile all by mieself and hug the pillow so tight as if it has your smell in it...

[Picture Courtesy - The Chronicle]

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